Emilie Wilbert


Emilie WILBERT became an Attorney (Avocate) in 2009, and joined Marvell law firm in 2014 to strengthen the employment desk. Prior to that, she practiced with BELLET law firm.

Emilie WILBERT provides advisory and litigation services in the field of social security law before the Tribunal des affaires de sécurité sociale, the Tribunal du contentieux de l’incapacité, the social chambers of the Court of appeals as well as before the Cour Nationale de l’Incapacité et de la Tarification de l’Assurance des Accidents du Travail (CNITAAT). Emilie holds a postgraduate degree (DEA) in public law with emphasis on economic activities from University of Paris XII.

Expert in:

• Social security law
• Individual aspects of employment law
• Collective aspects of employment law