Acquisition transaction with financial and/or fiscal leverage for the repayment of acquisition debt by the results of the target group.
A LBO can take the following forms:
LBO (Leveraged Buy Out)
Acquisition of a company by private equity investors associated with the managers of the acquired company, as part of a financial arrangement with a combination of equity and significant amounts of loans, and of which the payment is provided by a debit on future cash flows. -
MBO (Management Buy Out)
The buyout is made by the management team (one or more of its directors, from either the parent company or from the private owners). -
MBI (Management Buy In)
An external manager or a management team buys the company. -
BIMBO (Buy In Management Buy Out)
The buyout is made by an external manager in collaboration with the seller and/or with existing directors of the company. -
OBO (Owner Buy Out)
The buyout is made by the owner of a company, who carries out part of his portfolio while reinvesting in the holding company.